An aria-label is an ARIA attribute that supports assistive technologies by helping to name elements on a page or application. Many elements in our emails need an “accessible name,” which is a way for AT to define the element to AT users.
Component: ARIA
Every once in a while, people will bring up adding ARIA to their emails, and quite often, my response is, “NO!!” and I thought I’d go into a bit of detail to explain that.
Component: Headings
Accessible headings in email seem to be a bit of a side quest for many email marketers. On its face, it seems very straightforward: Wrap the main points of the email in a heading tag…
Component: Product Stack
Let’s solve the age-old problem called “How do I make a product stack look good AND make it accessible?”
Alternative Text Deep Dive – Part 4
It is extremely rare for an email to reach my inbox without a linked image, and that is why I saved this super heavy talk for last. Nearly every email has a functional image, that means every email marketer needs to familiarize themselves with this concept!
Alternative Text Deep Dive – Part 3
The most critical question we need to ask ourselves when writing alt text is – what does this image do? There are different types of images and those different types of images have different alternative text needs. In this next section we’re going to go into detail about what those image types are and what alternative text expectations users have for them.
Alternative Text Deep Dive – Part 2
All right, in the first part of our Alt Text Deep Dive, we talked about the importance of having an alt attribute at all and how different email recipients use alt text. Today, we’re talking about some overarching best practices…
Alternative Text Deep Dive – Part 1
Alt text really seems like it should be pretty straightforward, and in a million ways, I didn’t think this deep dive was really necessary until I turned my images off in my promotions tab in Gmail. Holy wow, things are BAD.
Component: Legal Text
Legal text is probably the least thought about component in all of emaildom. Let’s break it down!
Accessibility Updates You Can Make Without Anyone Noticing
Making our emails accessible really should be the whole team’s responsibility, from strategy to deployment. (Shift Left, amirite?) But in the real world – sometimes it’s not particularly easy to get stakeholders on board to new ideas. While you work on getting everyone aligned, let’s discuss a few quick things you can easily implement into your process without changing the visual rendering, linking strategy or content.